le player de génériques

I'm in Love with a German Film Star (The Passions)    twitter 

I'm in love with a German film star
I once saw in a bar
Sitting in a corner in imperfect clothes
Trying not to pose
For the cameras and the girls
It's a glamorous world

I'm in love with a German film star
I once saw in a movie
Playing the part of a real troublemaker
But I didn't care
It really moved me, it really moved me

I'm in love with a German film star
I once saw in a bar
Sitting in a corner in imperfect clothes
Trying not to pose
For the cameras and the girls
It's a glamorous world

I'm in love with a German film star
I once saw in a movie
Playing the part of a real troublemaker
But I didn't care
It really moved me, it really moved me
It really moved me, it really moved me

I'm in love [13x]

 - I'm in Love with a German Film Star

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1981
Interprète : The Passions

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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